Monday, February 13, 2012

Mexican Hipster Project - The Final Chapters

 If you were waiting anxiously to hear about the Mexican Hipster Project, your patience is about to be rewarded: Diego has gone so hipster that he decided he didn't want to try to be a hipster because that would make him a faux hipster. And as any hipster follower knows, faux hipsters are far worse than true hipsters. He didn't like the idea of being defined as part of a particular set (even though Mexican hipsters are a rarity). His take on his retirement from hipsterdom:

"I definitely learned the hipster force. I can't stand hipster haters or in the closet hipsters."
So if you were really excited about a Mexican wearing skinny jeans and drinking PBR while thumbing his nose at popular music ... you might be mildly disappointed. Instead you'll be getting a Mexican wearing tennis shoes and jeans while drinking a Corona, listening to Tribal, scorning Shakira and eating taco truck tacos. (This happens almost every weekend.)  So being a Mexican hipster is entirely different. We should come up with a better term, in Spanish of course. Let's try: caderero?

Naturally, I have hipster treats for your viewing pleasure: Hipster Detail: "The Donut" video. Hipster police protecting the world from an indifferent hipster takeover.

And one exotic island picture for the traveling hipsters out there. 

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